
Thomson Computers

Manuel technique du TO7-70 (Cedic/Nathan 1984)
Initiation et Référence du Basic TO7-70 (Cedic/Nathan 1984)
Initiation et Référence du Logo TO7-70 (Cedic/Nathan 1984)
Manuel de l'Assembleur 6809 du TO7-70 (Cedic/Nathan 1984)
Basic TO7-70 sans peine (Cedic/Nathan 1984)
Le Basic Q-D.O.S. du TO7-70 (Cedic/Nathan 1985)
Guide du TO9+ (Cedic/Nathan 1986)
Guide du Basic TO9+ (Cedic/Nathan 1986)
Trucs & astuces pour TO7-70 (Micro Application 1985)
Secrets pour TO7-70 (Daniel Pitey - Edimicro 1986)
Basic plus : 80 routines pour  TO7-70 (Michel Martin PSI 1985)
Super jeux TO7-70 (Jean-François Sehan - PSI 1985)
102 Programmes pour TO7/70 (Jacques Deconchat - PSI 1985)
Pratique du TO7-70, programmation niveau 1 (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1984)
Pratique du TO7-70, programmation niveau 2 (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1984)
50 programmes assembleur T07-70 (B. Geoffrion, R. Weiss - Editions Radio 1985)
Hebdogiciel (Revue française 1983-1987)

PC Microprocessors, Assembly and Systems

8088 Assembleur (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1986)
8088 et ses périphériques (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1986)
Cours pratique de logique pour microprocesseur (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1986)
Cours fondamental des microprocesseurs (Henri Lilen - Editions Radio 1987)
Microprocesseurs (Henri Lilen - Dunod 1995)
PC system programming for developers (Michaël Tischer, Data Becker 1989)
PC Interdit (Bertelsons, Rasch, Hoff - Micro Application 1995)
Mastering Turbo Assembler (Tom Swan - Sams 1995)
Professional Assembly Language (Richard Blum - Wrox 2005)
8086 to i486 Instructions Set (Intel)
80386 Programmer's Reference Manual 1986 (Intel)
80486 Programmer's Reference Manual 1990 (Intel)
x86 Developer’s Manual Volume 1: Basic Architecture 1997 (Intel)
x86 Developer’s Manual Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference 1997 (Intel)
x86 Developer’s Manual Volume 3: System Programming Guide 1997 (Intel)
Protected mode software architecture (Tom Shanley - Addison Wesley 1996)
Programmation des API Win32 (Simon, Gouker, Barnes - S&SM 1998)
Operating System concepts (Silberschatz Galvin - Addison Wesley 1998)
Architecture des machines et systèmes informatiques (Delacroix, Cazes - Dunod 2018)
Architecture et technologie des ordinateurs (Zanella, Ligier, Lazard - Dunod 2018)
Tout sur les réseaux et Internet (Jean-François Pillou, Fabrice Lemainque - Dunod 2020)
Tout sur la sécurité informatique (Jean-François Pillou, Jean-Philippe Bay - Dunod 2020)
La belle histoire des révolutions numériques (Henri Lilen - De Boeck Sup 2019)

Borland IDEs

Turbo Basic (Borland 1988)
Turbo Pascal (Borland 1988)
Turbo Assembler (Borland 1989)
Turbo Prolog (Borland 1989)
Turbo C++ (Borland 1989)
Delphi 5 Objet Pascal Language Guide (Borland 1999)
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Borland 1999)
Mastering Delphi 2 (Marco Cantu - Sybex 1996)

C and C++ Languages

Le langage C++ (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
Guide SOS du Turbo C (Jörg Schieb - Micro Application 1990)
Visual C++ 5 (Christian Fleischhauer - Micro Application 1997)
C++ Primer Plus (The waite group's - Sams 1998)
Effective C++ (Scott Meyers - Addison Wesley 1996)
More effective C++ (Scott Meyers - Addison Wesley 1997)
The design and evolution of C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup - Addison Wesley 1994)

C# and .NET Framework

The C# language (Hejlsberg, Wiltamuth, Golde - Addison Wesley 2004)
Professional .NET framework (Collective - Wrox 2001)
Beginning Visual C# 2008 (Collective - Wrox 2008)
Beginning C# 2005 Databases (Karli Watson - Wrox 2006)
Professional C# 2008 (Collective - Wrox 2008)
Professional C# 7 and .Net Core 2.0 (Christian Nagel - Wrox 2018)
Professional Visual Studio 2015 (Vol I) (Bruce Johnson - Wrox 2015)
Professional Visual Studio 2017 (Vol II) (Bruce Johnson - Wrox 2017)
Beginning Visual Basic 2015 (Bryan Newsome - Wrox 2016)
Professional .NET 2.0 Generics (Tod Golding - Wrox 2005)
Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and Entity Framework (Roger Jennings - Wrox 2009)
LINQ Pocket Reference (Joseph Albahari - O'Reilly 2008)
LINQ Unleashed for C# (Paul Kimmel - SAMS 2008)
Code-First Development with Entity Framework (Sergey Barskiy - Packt Publishing 2015)
Component-based development with Visual C# (Ted Faison - M&T Books 2002)
Professional WCF Programming (Scott Klein - Wrox 2007)
Professional WCF 4 (Collective - Wrox 2010)
Professional Parallel Programming with C# (Gaston C. Hillar - Wrox 2010)
Professional Visual Studio Extensibility (Keyvan Nayyeri - Wrox 2008)
Professional Refactoring in C# & ASP.NET (Danijel Arsenovski - Wrox 2009)
Professional Test Driven Development with C# (J. Bender, J. McWherter - Wrox 2011)
C# Design and Development Expert One on One (John Paul Mueller - Wrox 2009)
C# 3.0 Cookbook (Jay Hilyard - O'Reilley 2008)
C# 4.0 How-To (Ben Watson - Sams 2010)
Effective C# (Bill Wagner - Addison Wesley 2016)
More Effective C# (Bill Wagner - Addison Wesley 2017)

HTML, PHP, ASP.NET, Javascript and others

Pure Java 2 (Kenneth Litwak - Sams 1999)
HTML 4, XML & Java 2 (Eric Ladd, Jim O'Donnell - Que 1999)
PHP4 & MySql (G.A. Leierer, R. Stoll - Micro Application 2000)
Beginning PHP 5.3 (Matt Doyle - Wrox 2009)
Beginning HTML and CSS (Rob Larsen - Wrox 2013)
Beginning XML (Joe Fawcett - Wrox 2012)
Professional WordPress (Hal Stern, David Damstra, Brad Williams - Wrox 2010)
Professional WordPress Plugin (Brad Williams, Ozh Richard, Justin Tadlock - Wrox 2011)
JavaScript 24–Hour Trainer (Jeremy McPeak - Wrox 2010)
Beginning JavaScript (Jeremy McPeak - Wrox 2015)
Professional Javascript for Web Developers (Matt Frisbie - Wrox 2019)
Beginning ASP.NET for Visual Studio 2015 (William Penberthy - Wrox 2016)
Front-End Development With ASP.NET Core (Simone Chiaretta - Wrox 2018)
Beginning Python (James Payne - Wrox 2010)
Beginning Regular Expressions (Andrew Watt - Wrox 2005)
VBScript Programmer's Reference (A. & K. Kingsley-Hughes, D. Read - Wrox 2007)
Professional Windows PowerShell (Andrew Watt - Wrox 2007)
Beginning Shell Scripting (Eric Foster-Johnson - Wrox 2005)
Windows Command Line Administration (John Paul Mueller - Sybex 2010)

Databases and SQL

Oracle et SQL (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
Oracle 8
(Roger Chapuis - Dunes-Laser 1998)
Beginning SQL (Paul Wilton, john Colby - Wrox 2005)
The SQL Guide to SQLite (Rick F. van der Lans - Lulu 2009)
Access 2010 24–Hour Trainer (Geoffrey L. Griffith, Truitt L. Bradly - Wrox 2011)
Professional Access 2013 Programming (Collective - Wrox 2013)
Access 2010 Programmer′s Reference (Collective - Wrox 2010)
Beginning SQL Server 2012 Programming ( Paul Atkinson, Robert Vieira - Wrox 2012)
Professional SQL Server 2008 Programming (Robert Vieira - Wrox 2009)
Beginning Database Design (Gavin Powell - Wrox 2005)
Beginning Database Design Solutions (Rod Stephens - Wrox 2008)
GitHub Essentials (Achilleas Pipinellis - Packt Publishing Limited 2015)
Professional Git (Brent Laster - Wrox 2016)
Excel 2019 et Office 365 (ENI Editions 2018)
Word 2019 et Office 365 (ENI Editions 2019)

Algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence

Programmation structurée en BASIC (Francis Crochet - Editions Radio 1987)
Programmation récursive (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
Programmation des listes chainées (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
Programmation des graphes (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
Mathématiques pour l'informatique (Collective - Dunod 2008)
Logic Programming with Prolog (M.A. Bramer - Springer London Ltd 2005)
L'Intelligence Artificielle pour les développeurs C# (Virginie Mathivet - Eni Editions 2017)
Functional Programming in C# (Oliver Sturm - Wrox 2011)
Professional F# 2.0 (Collectif - Wrox 2010)
Informatique quantique en Q# (Benoît Prieur - ENI Editions 2019)
Essential Algorithms (Rod Stephens - Wiley 2019)

Software Development

Le génie logiciel (Livret de cours IUT Informatique 1996-1997)
The UML User Guide (Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson - Addison-Wesley 2001)
UML 2.5 (Laurent Debrauwer, Fien Van Der Heyde - Eni Editions 2016)
UML au service de l'analyse des métiers (Antoine Clave - ENI Editions 2016)
Dive into Design Patterns (Alexander Shvets 2021)
Design Patterns pour C# (Laurent Debrauwer - ENI Editions 2011)
Agile principles, patterns and practices in C# (R. C. & M. Martin - Prentice Hall 2006)
Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Millett, Tune - Wrox 2015)
Domain-Driven Design Distilled (Vaughn Vernon - Addison Wesley 2016)
Méthode orientée-objet intégrale MACAO (Jean-Bernard Crampes - Ellipses 2003)
Beginning Software Engineering (Rod Stephens - Wrox 2015)
Kanban (David J. Anderson - Blue Hole Press 2010)
Extreme Programming (Chromatic - O'Reilly 2005)
Practices of an Agile Developer (Subramaniam & Hunt - Pragmatic Bookshelf 2006)
The Pragmatic Programmer (David Thomas, Andrew Hunt - Addison Wesley 2019)
The Software Craftsman (Sandro Mancuso - Prentice Hall 2014)
Software Craftsmanship (Sallah Kokaina - ENI Editions 2019)
Clean architecture (Robert C. Martin - Prentice Hall 2017)
Clean Craftsmanship (Robert C. Martin - Prentice Hall 2021)
Clean agile (Robert C. Martin - Prentice Hall 2019)
The clean coder (Robert C. Martin - Prentice Hall 2011)
Clean code (Robert C. Martin - Prentice Hall 2008)
Code Leader (Patrick Cauldwell - Wrox 2008)
Code complete (Steve McConnell - Microsoft Press 2004)
Tout sur les systèmes d'information (Jean-François Pillou, Pascal Caillerez - Dunod 2019)
UX design et ergonomie des interfaces (Jean-François Nogier - Dunod 2020)
Producing Open Source Software (Karl Fogel - O'Reilly Media 2005)

Online tutorials

Online Web Tutorials (W3Schools)
Free Online Tutorials and Courses (TutorialsPoint)
Learn Web Technologies (TutorialsTeacher)
Free Training Tutorials (Guru99)
A Computer Science portal (GeeksForGeeks)
Dev Tutorials (FunctionX)
ZetCode (Jan Bodnar)
Threading in C# (Joe Albahari)

Online course (French)

Les nouveautés du C# 3 (Microsoft TechDays)
C# Linq (Microsoft TechDays)
Programmation fonctionnelle F# (Microsoft TechDays)
Plongée au cœur du Framework .NET 4.5 (Microsoft TechDays 2013)
C# - Enigmes et puzzles (Microsoft TechDays 2013)
Git - La gestion des versions de vos projets (ENI Editions)
Kanban - Améliorer et fluidifier la coordination d'un projet (ENI Editions)
Méthodes Agiles - Mettre de l'agilité dans la gestion de vos projets (ENI Editions)
C# 7 et Entity Framework - Maîtrisez l'accès aux données (ENI Editions)
.NET Core - L'essentiel du framework de développement (ENI Editions)
Design Patterns - Concevoir des applications robustes (ENI Editions)
SQL - Les fondamentaux du langage (ENI Editions)
SQL Server 2014 - Conception et réalisation d'une base de données (ENI Editions)
ASP.NET MVC5 - Développez des applications Web (ENI Editions)
JavaScript - Apprendre les bases du langage (ENI Editions)
JavaScript - Allez plus loin avec la Programmation Orientée Objet (ENI Editions)
Python 3 - Les fondamentaux du langage (ENI Editions)
Expressions régulières - Optimisez vos recherches de motifs textuels (ENI Editions)
Windows PowerShell - Les fondamentaux du langage (ENI Editions)
Gestion de tests logiciels (ENI Editions)
Réseaux informatiques - Les bases essentielles (ENI Editions)
Réseaux sociaux - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn et Viadeo (ENI Editions)
Social Media - Le webmarketing par les réseaux sociaux (ENI Editions)
Machine Learning (ENI Editions)

Other topics

Tennis (Nathan 1986)
Eat to win (Robert Haas - Scribner 1985)
Blood and guts (Dorian Yates - 1993)
The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer: The Art, Science and Philosophy of a Bodybuilder (2005)
Cours de biologie cellulaire (Pierre Cau, Raymond Seïte - Ellipses 2009)
Histologie (Jacques Poirier, Jean-Louis Ribadeau Dumas - Masson Abrégé 1988)
What is life (Erwin Schrödinger - Cambridge University Press 1992)
Relativity (Albert Einstein - Digireads 1990)
Light and Matter (Richard Feynman - Princeton University Press - Seuil 1985)
Neuromarketing (Patrick Renvoisé, Christophe Morin - SalesBrain Publishing 2005)
The Mental Game of Poker (Jared Tendler - 2011)
Les bases de l'harmonie (Philippe Ganter - Dareios IDMusic 2007)
Dictionnaire de la Bible Hébraïque (Marchand Ennery - Colbo 1996)