Techno Tracks CD3


Experimental Techno Tracks were composed from 1996 to 1998 with Fast Tracker II and some samples found on the CDs of PC Fun and PC Team magazines.

Image made with Photoshop.

Remastered with Renoise and AkustiX in 2020.


License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0

  Experimental Techno Tracks CD3 (MP3)

Size: 67.3 MiB
Upload: 3 November 2020
Update: 3 November 2020
Last download: 26 July 2024
Total downloads: 256

  Experimental Techno Tracks CD3 (FLAC)

Size: 178.3 MiB
Upload: 3 November 2020
Update: 3 November 2020
Last download: 26 July 2024
Total downloads: 289




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